-10% off all year round
10% discount on cleaning services for clothes, home textiles, all expert services (Apret, Maxima, Impregnation, White +, Starching, Protection against moths and mites) and tailoring services, etc.
Enjoy promotions in your local dry cleaning shop before everybody else.
Clothing cover
Club members are getting environmental bio-degradable clothing sleeve, with two partitions, which serves as a bag for bringing items to clean and as a cover for the delivery of cleaned clothes.

Fill in the form directly in store

Pay the annual subscription flat fee of €9.90

You get your card immediately

You can start enjoying all the benefits and privileges of your card
How to join the Privilege programme?
To subscribe to the Privilege programme, you just need to fill in the application form available across all participating 5àsec shops and to pay an annual subscription flat fee of Euros 9.90. Your Privilege card will be issued immediately so you can start using the card and enjoy the benefits right away!
Any natural person of full age can join the Privilege programme. The card is strictly personal.
Your membership to the programme is conditioned on your unconditional acceptance of the Privilege card terms and conditions.
Can I use my card in all 5àsec stores ?
You can enjoy the benefits that come with your Privilege card across all our stores in Serbia!
How can I enjoy the benefits of my card ?
To enjoy the benefits that come with your card, you must show your card each time you make a purchase.
To keep enjoying all the benefits that come with your card, please advise us of any change in your registration information, i.e. your address or name or any other data.
How to renew my Privilege card ?
Once your card expires (the decisive date is featured on your purchase receipt of your card), all you have to do is to fill out a renewal application form at your store and to pay your annual subscription flat fee of Euros 9.90.
You will keep your initial card whose validity will be extended for a further year. You will be re-issued a new card every 4 years.
I want to cancel my subscription to the Privilege programme ?
You should make your request at your store and give back your Privilege card. As you paid an annual subscription flat fee, you won’t be reimbursed.
Your card has been lost, stolen or damaged ?
If a Member loses or damages the Card or if it is stolen, he / she shall receive a new Card in any 5àsec action, by filling in the registration form.